Exact & Exact Plus Training


Welcome to our newest solution. If you’ve had eCorrect and/or eApprove in the past you’ll be relieved to know that Exact and Exact Plus are upgrades to that solution. We developed Exact and Exact Plus with the user in mind by cutting out 50% of the clicks required to correct addresses and send statements.

If you had our Level 2 Skip-Tracing feature while on eCorrect you’ve been upgraded to Exact Plus at no cost. However, you will not have immediate access to the new Exact-Plus features as they roll-out unless you upgrade completely.


Training Shortcuts

Navigating to Exact & Exact Plus


Once you are on the main menu screen and signed in, select “Output Solutions” on the left-hand side. Once this is clicked, you will see all of the services that you are permitted to use. From these listed options select “Exact”.

Clicking on Exact will redirect users to a newly designed interface, this interface will slowly be implemented over the course of the next few months across the entire customer area.

Home Screen Basics

Main Exact Page


On the main Exact screen, you’ll be greeted with a list of jobs that need to be worked. From left to right each job will list the following…

  • Upload ID

  • Uploaded On

  • Expires On

  • Status

  • Job ID

  • Progress

  • Total Docs

  • Customer Description

  • File Name


Progress Column


The progress column displays a ratio and circle graph of your progress for a particular job. Hovering over the ratio number will display the number of your corrected addresses compared to the total number that needed correction.


Status Column


The Status column displays the real-time status of each job. There are three different statuses a job can be labeled…

  • Processing - job is currently processing

  • Ready - job is ready to be worked

  • Submitted - status a job moves to once completed

Processing means that the job is currently processing through our system to determine how many addresses require correction.

Once a job moves to the submitted status it will be removed from the table unless the user clicks on the “Show Submitted Jobs” checkbox on the top left of the screen.

Clicking on a specific job’s ID will navigate you to the Exact Dashboard for the selected job.

Exact Dashboard


The Exact Dashboard is a job’s home screen, this screen is divided up into four different sections…

  1. File Description - displays information from main page

  2. File Summary - displays information about envelopes

  3. Charge Summary - displays usage of Level 1 and 2

  4. Envelope Review Button and Report Button - navigate and work your job or generate reports once complete

Envelope Review Dashboard

Envelope Review Basics


The Envelope Review screen is where you will spend the majority of your time within Exact because it’s where you correct addresses and work the job.

On the top left, you will see the customer description, a button to expand or collapse all accounts that require address correction, and a button to submit the job.

Clicking the submit job button is the last step and should not be done until the job is worked to your preference.


Filter Buttons


On the top right of the screen are four buttons that display helpful data that updates in real-time while you work the job…

  • Total Documents

  • Needs Corrected

  • Corrected

  • Deleted

Each of these buttons is based on the envelope statuses in the envelope table. Clicking on these buttons automatically filters the envelope table.


Envelope Table


The envelope table lists all of the envelopes that were held for address correction. From left to right the table displays…

  • A plus symbol to expand each envelope

  • The name of the patient or customer on the envelope

  • Their associated account number and amount due

  • The selected address

  • The envelopes status

  • A checkbox to delete the envelope

  • A view column with a clickable pdf icon.


Envelope Review Types and Statuses

Exact_EnvelopeReviewAddressType_1 1.gif

Additionally, there are three different statuses that can be displayed within the Status column.

  • Needs Corrected

  • Corrected

  • Deleted.

Both the selected address type and status column dynamically change based on what address you choose within an envelope.

There are five different items that can be displayed within the selected address type column

  • Level 1

  • Level 2

  • None

  • Original

  • Edited


Working Your Files


Clicking on the plus icon on the far left for a particular envelope will expand the address correction options. From left to right displays three different rectangles…

  • Original - displays original address on file

  • Level 1 - attempts to correct simple formatting errors

  • Level 2 - Skip-Trace option (Exact Plus only)

You also have the option to edit each listed address by clicking on the Edit button next to each label.

Clicking on this will display a pop-up window with a form that will allow you to change address information line-by-line. If you do edit an address, a fourth rectangle will be displayed on the far right side of an envelopes drop-down.

Each time an address is edited, the edited rectangle will be overwritten.


Level-2 Skip-Tracing


Clicking on the Level 2 rectangle will initiate the skip-trace service and display a pop-up window with multiple suggestions based on the original address information.

Above each listed level 2 result displays some additional details that may be displayed such as the result’s last used address date, date of birth, and first five digits of their social security number.

Clicking on a level-2 suggested address rectangle will then populate and auto-select the Level 2 rectangle on the main screen for mailing. 


Level-2 Manual Search


Level 2 also provides the ability to manually search for an address.

Manual search is mostly used when no Level 1 results were found. Clicking on the Manual Search button will bring up a pop-up window that is similar to the edit pop-up window.

However, as you enter information into the listed form from within this pop-up, the criteria will be listed for each section to ensure your search is as accurate as possible.


Deleting Envelopes


Lastly, you can delete an envelope entirely by clicking on the delete checkbox within its column.

When you delete an envelope, its PDF sample is still created and accessible but it will not be printed and/or mailed.


View Sample Statement


You can also view an envelope’s sample statement or invoice by clicking on the pdf icon located within the view column.


Submit Job

Job Submission


Once you’ve worked all of the envelopes within the job to your preference, you can submit the job by clicking on the “Submit Job” button.

Once clicked, a final “Submit Job” pop-up window will appear, displaying any number of envelopes that require some form of action before submission.

Instead of going back through the process, you can select whether you want to use their respective original addresses or mark them all as deleted.


View Report


Once submitted, you will have the immediate option to download the report for the job in either .csv or .pdf format.

The report is most helpful becuase it shows all of the corrections that were made. 

Downloading the report will automatically bring you back to the Exact Dashboard.

Once a job is submitted you will not be allowed to go back into the envelop review screen as that button will now be greyed out. However, you can generate reports from the Exact Dashboard by clicking on the now enabled Reports button.