K2 Akademy Classroom-Based Training Categories


Cybersecurity Training Modules

hipaa Training Modules

Healthcare Administration

human resources Modules


OSHA Training Modules


K2 Akademy Premium Training Categories

Human Trafficking Awareness

Cybersecurity Training Modules

Cybersecurity Awareness Module

The Cybersecurity Awareness Module is an introductory course that's meant to bring your workforce up to speed with regard to information security. You and your team will learn common tips and best practices through the lense of real-world examples.

Malware Prevention

Whether it's via hardware or software, the threat of malware is ever looming. They've been around since the beginning of computers, yet their creators continue to find new ways to penetrate organizations and put the future of their systems in flux. The Malware module uses up-to-date examples of actual, successful attacks to raise the awareness of your workforce of this type of threat.

Insider Threat Identification

Sometimes the biggest threat is within your own organization. The Insider Threat Identification module exists to help your team understand the potential cybersecurity problems that may exist within themselves.

Password Management

Password management is a tedious task in the modern world due to the sheer amount of accounts that every service requires. The Password Management module teaches best practices and techniques to protect organizations from the dreaded, one-password-for-all-accounts employee liability.

Phishing Identification

Phishing attempts know no bounds. They affect every businesses of every type, across all industries. The Phishing Module trains prepares your team so that they know how to react to a phishing attempt. Most importantly, it trains on the proper ways to identify a phishing attempt. That way, your organization is ready for them when they come, and they will.

Ransomware Avoidance and Recovery

Ransomware is one of the biggest cybersecurity buzzwords across the globe, for good reason. The stories you hear in the news about these attacks aren't fiction, bad actors infect entire infrastructures and hold them hostage until they receive payment. This module explains how to spot and prevent ransomware attacks before it's too late.

Privacy & Data Handling

Operating within the modern world also means the handling of sensitive data. In order for your organization to operate, you need to be able to trust your team in properly handling private and secure data. This module exists for that reason.

Healthcare Administration Modules

Strategies to Increase Patient Volume

Let’s face it. Most healthcare organization’s would rather focus on treating patients than the business aspects associated with running one. Yet, patient volume is what keeps the lights on. This module gives you helpful tips and tricks to boost the amount of individuals coming through your doors

Human Trafficking Awareness

Bill Woolf

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Director of Human Trafficking Programs (former)

Bill Woolf has dedicated his personal and professional life to combatting human trafficking – most notably being recognized by receiving the Presidential Medal for Extraordinary Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons. He started his professional career as a police officer where he was promoted to the position of detective and was assigned to work on the Gang Investigations Unit. While doing this work, he quickly became aware of an emerging problem in his region, human trafficking. Mr. Woolf learned that gangs were transitioning from other profitable crimes, such as narcotics trafficking, to human trafficking as a source of income for their illicit activities. Mr. Woolf sought out to better understand the problem and in doing so he learned how prevalent the issue was domestically in the United States, as well as internationally. From that point forward he became dedicated to combatting the issue, serving as a federal task force officer investigating and prosecuting cases locally and federally.

Scenario-Based Human Trafficking Awareness Training for Lodging Facilities

Several states across the US have mandated that hotels, motels and other lodging facilities provide human trafficking awareness training to their employees on an annual basis. This module walks through a real-world scenario of human trafficking in a hotel and breaks down the signs for the viewer.

Human Resources Training Modules


Business Etiquette

The professional setting requires a certain bravado. Although your team should know how to conduct themselves when they come into work every day, they might get a little too comfortable over time and risk an escalating problem. The Business Etiquette module gives your team a goal to strive for with their behavior.

Diversity and Inclusion

The Diversity training module's ultimate goal is to reduce any bias and/or prejudices your workforce may unknowingly have.

Employee Burnout Prevention Tips and Tricks

You want to get as much productivity out of your most expensive asset as an organization. But if they're overwhelmed for an extended period of time because of how much work they have to complete, they're output will go into free fall. The Employee Burnout Prevention Tips and Tricks training module provides you with helpful ideas to boost your teams morale during the busiest times of the year.


Odds are that if your organization doesn't have a good onboarding program, your newly hired employees will start looking for a job sooner rather than later. The Onboarding training module provides you hiring managers and department heads with the foundation to establish a better onboarding process.

Sexual Harassment

This sexual harassment training is designed to give you the skills and confidence to recognize inappropriate behavior, deal with it confidently, and create a better atmosphere for everyone in the workplace.

Sexual Harassment for Managers

All managers and supervisors need to take a specific sexual harassment training module. They need to understand their rights as well as the rights of employees, and create a safe and healthy workplace environment. That’s why this training exists.

HIPAA Training Modules

HIPAA Breach Notification Rule

The HIPAA Breach Notification Module covers the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule; its requirements, guidelines and best practices.

HIPAA Privacy Rule

The HIPAA Privacy Module covers the HIPAA Privacy Rule; its requirements, guidelines and best practices.

HIPAA Security Rule

The HIPAA Security Module covers the HIPAA Security Rule; its requirements, guidelines and best practices.

Fraud, Waste & Abuse

The Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that organizations that provide services to patients who have Medicaid train their employees on the various laws and regulations that exist in regards to fraud, waste and abuse.

How to Avoid Gossip in The Workplace

Gossiping in the workplace is one of the most common types of HIPAA violations. This module explains, in detail, about how crucial it is to avoid gossiping as a healthcare organization and/or covered entity.

Telehealth Compliance

Telehealth continues to rise in popularity, yet the governement regulations placed on healthcare entities remain the same. The Telehealth Compliance module makes sense of archeic policy for a society that continues to want medical services at its fingertips.

OSHA Training Modules

Bloodborne Pathogens

Our comprehensive bloodborne pathogens training acts as a line of defense when it comes to keeping yourself and your co-workers safe.


The Hazardous Communication & The Global Harmonized System (GHS) module covers the legal requirements associated with employee’s “right to know” regarding chemicals in the workplace.


"Basic Life Support: CPR & AED" is a vital training module that equips individuals with essential skills to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use automated external defibrillators effectively.


Gain essential knowledge about Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) regulations, ensuring a safe and compliant work environment for all employees.