50 of The Best Mental Health Apps According to Users


Thanks to the growing digital wellness market, there are so many online mental health tools. In fact, there are between 10,000 and 20,000 mental health-related apps available to download.

With a shrinking number of mental health professionals, more funding and research are driving these options. Some apps provide efficient treatment through clinical intervention since they’re cheap and easy to access. There are also tools designed for self-help and self-care.

Some address specific mental health struggles such as addiction, self-harm, and suicide. Others cater to certain groups, such as children.

With so many options available, it’s easy to take the first steps toward getting help or improving your mental health. But it can be overwhelming trying to decide which one to use since there are thousands to choose from. 

We’ve narrowed down 50 of the best mental health apps based on rating.

Included in this infographic are...

  • Ratings based on consumer reviews

  • Age recommendations

  • A brief description of the apps’ offerings

All are free, but some also offer in-app purchases for an additional fee.

50 of the Best Apps for Mental Health.png


Thousands of mental health apps are addressing the shortage of traditional services that many people need. People can take the first steps of receiving care right from their phones. With self-help apps, they can focus on bettering their daily mental health.

Some tools cater to specific health struggles or demographics. With the medically developed options, professionals use apps for treatment interventions.

This infographic only includes a few of the many options available to people. But all of them make it easier, cheaper, and faster to access mental health care when it’s most necessary but also limited.

And if you don’t find the perfect service from this list, there are still plenty of other free tools to choose from. Consumer reviews about others’ experiences can help when deciding, as well as the app’s functionality description. And always consider the target audience, especially younger users.

Looking at all of these features helps you find the perfect app to get the best service.  

50 of the Best Mental Health Apps