One denial code that we see healthcare providers running into frequently is CO 151. In this blog, we will delve into what the denial code means, some common causes, steps you can take to fix it, and how to prevent from running into it again.
Denial Codes in Medical Billing: The Ultimate Guide
65+ Modern Medical Billing Denials Statistics
Denial Code CO16: Common RARCs and More
The Complete Guide to Claim Rejections
Pro Tip: Effectively Applying the 8-Minute Rule
Each CPT code gets billed using either service-based units or time-based units. Those that use time-based units require more effort than just submitting how long the appointment was. Providers need to calculate the time it took for each task. They then identify how many units to include within the claim using the 8-minute rule.
3 Powerful Sample Appeal Letter for Prior Authorization Denials
5 Steps for Choosing The Perfect Medical Claim Clearinghouse
Healthcare providers have a choice as to which clearinghouse they work with. And believe it or not, not all of them have the same hair-pulling experience that the majority of us have grown accustomed to. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right medical claim clearinghouse for your organization.