Etactics | Revenue Cycle Software

Software development to more than 5,000 clients

Learn more about each of our solutions below.

EDI for Healthcare

IntelliClaim is our full-service clearinghouse, AppealsPlus is our automated denial management software, and the Revenue Vitals Report is our full-service business intelligence report.

elearning & Training

K2 Akademy is an elearning platform that helps your organization stay in compliant with government training mandates on industry-specific requirements with a massive module library.

CMMC Compliance

Work within the Defense Industrial Base? We’ve made a series of enhancements to K2 Compliance to help you meet CMMC's specific requirements before official rulemaking takes place.

Governance, Risk & Compliance

K2 Compliance provides a comprehensive and streamlined way to stay ahead of the curve with their compliance. The tool contains essentially every framework from HIPAA standards to the NIST CSF.

Payment & Presentment Suite

Although it sounds easy, collecting payment can cause quite the headache. Our Payment & Presentment Suite gives you all the PCI compliant, secure, fast and easy to use tools you need to receive what’s owed when it’s owed.

Statements, Invoices & Debt recovery Suite

We turn collection documents into effective patient & customer communication by: applying business rules to individualize and personalize documents with intelliStatement.

Offering Revenue Cycle Solutions for 20 Years


Etactics was established in June of 1999. Our company was originally formed to provide EDI for healthcare clients. Today we provide cost-effective revenue cycle solutions to more than 4,000 healthcare clients across the United States. Our services directly influence our clients' revenue cycle and how it can be better improved. Additionally, our products and services assist our clients improve business processes, boost staff productivity, reduce expenses and accelerate payment.


Partnerships Welcomed


Etactics has successfully partnered with a select number of independent brokers, VAR’s and software companies throughout North America. We are open to working with companies that share are our same commitment to growth, customer service, and excellence.


Our Partners