In this post, we take a closer look at how these features create assurance traceability. We’ve also created a virtual demonstration showing our tool handling these requirements.
Sexual harassment is apparent in both of these scenarios, but are they punishable because they technically happened outside of the workplace? Let’s take a dive deep into that main question so that we can be more aware of sexual harassment outside of the practical workplace setting.
Identifying the most common denial codes and streamlining processes to handle them in a timely manner, should be your first line of defense. Let’s take a look at the denial code CO 197.
In this blog we dive further into Z codes, what exactly they are, what role they play in medical billing and the different categories which help cover all sorts of unique circumstances.
Many details go into creating a high-quality business website, and competition for potential clients is fierce. When people shop around for any kind of service, they do so visually first. That fact still rings true if you’re a therapist. So let’s get started.
In the modern revenue cycle process, there are two main types of claims; 835s and 837s. To put it simply, these file types are essentially the bill and the receipt. But, there is more minutiae involved. Let’s take a deeper look at these types of healthcare claims.
When it comes to handling a workplace harassment claim, make sure you understand not only the federal laws that apply but the state laws as well. In this blog, we will look at the state of Texas and how The Lone Star State handles this worldwide issue.
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) publishes pioneering cybersecurity standards. In this blog, we look at two of their well known special publications (SP) and discuss: