So how do you go about creating a simulation for your team to prepare for worst-case scenarios? Here are ten tips to keep in mind that help you create the perfect data breach tabletop exercise template.
What The Perfect Burnout Prevention Training Looks Like
HIPAA Criminal Penalties: Possible Violations with Real Examples
No matter how someone mishandles or discloses PHI, OCR is responsible for enforcing consequences so that the situation won’t happen again. Although depending on the severity, there are different levels of penalties. There are four different categories concerning civil HIPAA violations, and three tiers of criminal violations.
5 Effective HIPAA Breach Notification Letter Examples & Samples
6 Effective Examples of Ransomware Awareness Emails
45+ Most Alarming Florida Human Trafficking Statistics
The Guide to Sexual Harassment Training for Your Employees
At the time of writing, 22 states have some form of sexual harassment training requirement. The 32 (D.C. included) that don’t require it recommend it. In other words, if you don’t provide this type of training for your employees, you should strongly consider it. The only question then becomes, “How can you provide this?”
CMMC 2.0 Certification Cost: An Accurate Assessment
The main question for many owners of DoD subcontractors is, “How much is the CMMC certification going to cost?” Although that question is redundant in nature (the acronym CMMC contains the word certification within it), it’s a valid question. Let’s look at an accurate assessment of the costs associated with this mandatory undertaking.
The Fool-Proof, Unofficial CMMC 2.0 Compliance Checklist
When we think of organizations seeking certification (OSCs) sitting down to look at the requirements proposed in the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), there are two types of reactions. Either reaction feels like a lose-lose. Yet, a lot of the time all that’s required is a little help. Enter this checklist. Its intention is to help both categories of reactions as a road map to follow.