There have been hotel franchises that have come under fire for neglecting to interfere in these cases. This complacency, whether due to poor training or no training at all, has cost each of these corporations greatly.
Cyberbullying in the workplace can be a tactic for the perpetrator to gain control of a professional environment. Let’s go over the who, what, why and how of workplace cyberbullying.
All of the anti-discrimination laws prohibit retaliation. Both managers and employees must understand what retaliation is, what it looks like, why people retaliate, and what you can do about this illegal conduct.
How are you supposed to sift phishing emails into your trash? It all starts by understanding how to spot a phishing email…sending awareness emails also helps but that’s a different story.
Every workplace complaint has the chance of becoming a lawsuit. The best way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to ask the right questions. Here are over 50 investigation questions for getting to the bottom of hostile work environments.
Ransomware is one of the newest, most trendy types of cyber attacks that hackers rely on to trick companies into paying them money. Here’s how to avoid them yourself.
Sexual harassment lawsuits and their payouts aren’t uncommon, but some of the awards are outliers because they are so large. Here are 10 of the biggest sexual harassment lawsuit payouts since the 1990s.