In this blog, we will go over the basics of health insurance and how to research where to go for out-of network care. As well as ways to communicate with your insurer that this out-of-network care is necessary and request that they should cover it.
Protecting information is crucial to the continuity of Department of Defense (DoD) missions. CMMC verifies safeguarding of nonpublic information within the defense industrial base (DIB).
In this blog we explore exactly what spam is, and how it compares to other forms of malware. Specifically, how it compares to phishing, as the two methods of social engineering are so similar.
One of the most effective tactics is learning through a phishing simulation. Let’s focus on what a phishing simulation is, why they are important, and how they work.
While hackers have many ways in which they create and send phishing emails, there are only a few key tips every user should know in order to stay safe. So, let’s take a look at the recommended method(s) for verifying an email’s legitimacy.
The SLAM Method sounds, well, aggressive. And I guess you could say it is, but in the sense that you will be better able to defend yourself against cybercriminals. Here’s everything you need to know about the SLAM method for fighting phishing.
How are you supposed to sift phishing emails into your trash? It all starts by understanding how to spot a phishing email…sending awareness emails also helps but that’s a different story.
One of the most effective ways to protect your organization is by sending phishing awareness emails to your employees. So what should you include in these emails in the first place?
The topics that you teach your team, how up-to-date they are and how they’re presented all have an impact on retention. Luckily, this blog post exists to give you the topics that your phishing training needs to include.
Here are a few phishing email examples and tactics that came straight out of our own inboxes. Luckily, none of these examples led to a breach or malicious attack.